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Kananaskis Hike | Powderface Creek Via Prairie Link

Spring time hiking conditions means snow, ice, slush, mud, dirt, gravel, overheating, getting cold, and soggy shoes! Even though it's not ideal conditions, it's still a great day outside.


Overall, the elevation was well spread through the hike so it didn't feel like too much at once at any point. I'd rank this as truly moderate, on the side of easy at times. A newer hiker could absolutely do this hike, and there is decent signage on the trail so you don't accidentally end up on a harder hike than planned for. I found the best views were 2km from the end in my opinion, and I'm more of a view chaser than anything, so weaving through trees & meadows and not seeing the mountains is not my first choice. It was so much fun walking over the creeks, getting a sweeping valley view, and spending a fantastic day outside though!

What to bring

In the Spring, bring spikes and maybe poles too, wear the waterproof hiking boots, a hat, sunglasses and extra layers. And the usual - sunscreen, plenty of water, lunch and snacks, and bear spray.


It took me 5 hours, from start to finish including a lunch break. Some of that time was also navigating the icy pathways too.


Parking was an issue, the Elbow Falls lot and Powderface lot filled up quickly so a lot of folks parked on the sides of the highway. I'd tack on a riverside hang near Fullerton after the hike (which I tried to do, but the parking lot was full for that too), if possible.

And you drive through the picturesque mountain town of Bragg Creek to get to the trailhead from Calgary, so time permitting, it's worth stopping for a coffee or ice cream in town!

It was the perfect season-opening hike for exploring a new trail with a great group! Excited to hit the trails more often this year.


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